
Showing posts from October, 2022

What is Electrolytic Plating and why is it good for your auto parts?

Most industries and auto part companies use Iron and Steel to manufacture their machine components. Summary: Most industries and auto part companies use Iron and Steel to manufacture their machine components. While iron and steel are strong, they are prone to rust because of their chemical make-up. Technically speaking, oxidation occurs when iron rusts. As a result, the metals corrode, fatigue, and degrade as the rust develops. Zinc is used to cover metal components to slow down the oxidation process and ensure that they last longer. Zinc is also used in the iron and steel galvanizing process, which uses almost half of all zinc mined. Here we are going to discuss in detail about electrolytic plating. Body : What is Electrolytic Plating or Electroplating? It is a process in which metal is deposited onto a conductive surface through an electrochemical reaction. In the simplest sense, it transfers metal from one object to another by passing an electric current through them. It's been